Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs
The Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs performs state administration tasks related to: the system in the field of labour relations and labour rights in all forms of work, except in state bodies and bodies of local self-government units and autonomous provinces, public agencies and public services ; Safety and Health at Work; inspection supervision in the field of labour relations and safety and health at work; union organizing; strike; realization and protection of rights from the employment relationship of workers temporarily employed abroad; conclusion of agreements on sending employees to work abroad and sending employees to temporary work abroad; records in the field of work; cooperation with international organizations in the field of work and employment; international conventions in the field of work and safety and health at work; social protection system; realization of rights and integration of refugees and displaced persons, returnees based on the readmission agreement, Roma population and other socially vulnerable groups; pension and disability insurance system; social insurance and protection of military insured persons; participation in the preparation, conclusion and implementation of international agreements on social insurance; veterans-disability protection, protection of civilian war invalids and family members of persons in military service; nurturing the traditions of Serbia’s liberation wars; protection of monuments and memorials of the liberation wars of Serbia, military graves and veterans’ cemeteries, in the country and abroad; veterans-disabled and disabled organizations and associations, as well as other tasks specified by law. The Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs performs state administration tasks related to: employment in the country and abroad; referral of unemployed citizens to work abroad; monitoring the situation and trends in the labour market in the country and abroad; records in the field of employment; promotion and encouragement of employment; strategy, program and measures of active and passive employment policy; employment of persons with disabilities and other persons who find it difficult to find employment; development and provision of social employment and social entrepreneurship; surplus of employees; realization of rights based on unemployment insurance, other rights of unemployed persons and redundant employees; preparation of the national qualification standard and proposing measures to improve the adult education system; proposing and monitoring the implementation of strategies in the field of migration on the labour market; participation in concluding employment contracts with foreign employers and other employment-related contracts, as well as other tasks determined by law. The Labour Inspectorate, as an administrative body within the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, performs inspection duties and related professional duties in the field of labour relations and safety and health at work, which relate to: regular and control supervision; investigation of fatal, serious and collective injuries at work; determining the fulfillment of prescribed conditions in the field of safety and health at work, before starting the employer’s activities, as well as other tasks specified by law.