
Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs

The Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs performs state administration tasks related to: the system in the field of labour relations and labour rights in all forms of work, except in state bodies and bodies of local self-government units and autonomous provinces, public agencies and public services ; Safety and Health at Work; inspection supervision in the field of labour relations and safety and health at work; union organizing; strike; realization and protection of rights from the employment relationship of workers temporarily employed abroad; conclusion of agreements on sending employees to work abroad and sending employees to temporary work abroad; records in the field of work; cooperation with international organizations in the field of work and employment; international conventions in the field of work and safety and health at work; social protection system; realization of rights and integration of refugees and displaced persons, returnees based on the readmission agreement, Roma population and other socially vulnerable groups; pension and disability insurance system; social insurance and protection of military insured persons; participation in the preparation, conclusion and implementation of international agreements on social insurance; veterans-disability protection, protection of civilian war invalids and family members of persons in military service; nurturing the traditions of Serbia’s liberation wars; protection of monuments and memorials of the liberation wars of Serbia, military graves and veterans’ cemeteries, in the country and abroad; veterans-disabled and disabled organizations and associations, as well as other tasks specified by law. The Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs performs state administration tasks related to: employment in the country and abroad; referral of unemployed citizens to work abroad; monitoring the situation and trends in the labour market in the country and abroad; records in the field of employment; promotion and encouragement of employment; strategy, program and measures of active and passive employment policy; employment of persons with disabilities and other persons who find it difficult to find employment; development and provision of social employment and social entrepreneurship; surplus of employees; realization of rights based on unemployment insurance, other rights of unemployed persons and redundant employees; preparation of the national qualification standard and proposing measures to improve the adult education system; proposing and monitoring the implementation of strategies in the field of migration on the labour market; participation in concluding employment contracts with foreign employers and other employment-related contracts, as well as other tasks determined by law. The Labour Inspectorate, as an administrative body within the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, performs inspection duties and related professional duties in the field of labour relations and safety and health at work, which relate to: regular and control supervision; investigation of fatal, serious and collective injuries at work; determining the fulfillment of prescribed conditions in the field of safety and health at work, before starting the employer’s activities, as well as other tasks specified by law.

Ipsos Strategic Marketing

Ipsos Strategic Marketing (ISM) is the largest research company in the region concerning not only the total number of conducted surveys and realized interviews, but also the clients. Our experts follow the highest professional ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) and ISI (International Statistical Institute) standards, concerning survey design, data collection, processing, and analysis. Becoming a part of Ipsos, ISM is now sharing the worldwide experience of the extensive range of research topics and methodology used in 89 countries in Europe, USA, and Canada.

Ipsos Strategic Marketing has a separate research unit – Public Affairs sector specialized in the area of social and public opinion research. Public Affairs employ a skilled, senior team of experts with proven experience in designing and conducting complex and large-scale projects (including both quantitative and qualitative research projects). Our surveys help decision-makers across the region to better understand the experiences and views on contemporary political, social, and economic problems. Given our vast experience, we do not hesitate to take on methodological and coordination challenges requiring a full range of expertise. Yet, our motivation is especially driven by the social impact of our projects and contribution to the development of policies and programs aimed at individuals and different social groups.

Center for Social Policy

Center for Social Policy (CSP) is an independent think tank, dedicated to the improvement of public policies, with the goal to catalyze inclusive growth, create a cohesive society and an effective and efficient welfare state.

CSP influences the creation of public policies through independent and innovative research aimed at solving key social challenges. CSP also provides capacity building of stakeholders in the area of social welfare, and organizes public debates that additionally enhance participation in the policy-making process.

CSP’s mission is to conduct high-quality independent research on multiple issues in the field of social policy. Based on research CSP provides policy options for decision-makers and hands-on consultancy for local-self-governments and NGOs as social welfare service providers, thus aiming on improving the lives of the most vulnerable (children, youth, elderly, persons with disability, Roma, women, refugees and IDPs). Our goal is to become a key civil society resource for social policies in Serbia and the Western Balkans region.

CSP’s main policy areas are poverty and social inclusion, child and family protection, pension policy, long-term care and social welfare services, as well as multisectoral initiatives which cover areas of health, education and employment. CSP applies the concept of good governance, relevant for the efficient implementation of policies and management of public resources.


During its first century of existence, the National Employment Service has grown into a modern public service that provides free services to unemployed persons and employers in the Republic of Serbia. As the bearer of all rights, obligations and responsibilities in the area of ​​employment, the NES is the main bearer and implementer of active labor market measures and offers its clients a number of support programs, both financial and non-financial, with the aim of improving the position of unemployed persons on the labor market and providing support and help the development and improvement of human capital and efficient and effective mediation between all actors on the labor market, all with the aim of increasing employability and employment as the ultimate goal. NES area of activities include: informing about employment opportunities and conditions; mediation in the country and abroad; implementation of active employment policy measures (professional orientation and career planning counseling, additional education and training, incentives for employment, public works and other); exercising the rights from unemployment insurance; keeping records in the field of employment in accordance with the Law. With its 34 branches, 21 services and more than 120 branches in all districts in the Republic of Serbia, NES provides access and ensures equal treatment to all users throughout the country. As a leading institution in the field of employment, the NES strives to contribute to the development of the labor market in the Republic of Serbia, which will provide access to employment under equal conditions for all, which is why all efforts are aimed at creating an inclusive labor market characterized by full and productive employment. Therefore, the National Employment Service represents a reliable partner and an institution open to any type of cooperation with the aim of improving the position of unemployed persons on the labor market and reducing unemployment in the Republic of Serbia.

The Red Cross of Serbia

The Red Cross of Serbia is a humanitarian, independent and voluntary organization and the only National Society in the Republic of Serbia founded in 1876. The Red Cross of Serbia is a member of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (hereinafter – International Federation) and a component of the International Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement. The Red Cross of Serbia is auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field. In fulfilling its objectives and tasks, the Red Cross of Serbia exercises the public powers conferred by the Law, and conducts actions of the public interest. The mission of the Red Cross of Serbia is to alleviate human suffering with the task of providing assistance to the vulnerable persons at times of armed conflict, natural disasters, ecological disasters and other emergencies, saving vulnerable lives and health of people, disseminating the knowledge of the international humanitarian law, working on the prevention and education of citizens in the health and social welfare sector, promoting humanitarian values of the society and, in the state of need, providing social protection and assistance. The Red Cross of Serbia assist everyone without any direct or indirect discrimination based on race, color, sex, nationality, origin, place of birth, religious beliefs, political opinions, economical status, culture, language, age, psychological or physical disability. The Red Cross of Serbia consists of two Provincial Red Cross organizations and 184 branches in cities and municipalities. The program activities of the Red Cross of Serbia take place thanks to engagement of numerous volunteers who are coordinated by a small number of employees in the network of the Red Cross of Serbia. The Red Cross organizations in three cities – Belgrade, Novi  Sad and Nis – are partners in the implementation of the NOVA project.

The Social protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia

The Social protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia was founded in 1996 with the aim of creating and maintaining permanent information support for the ministry responsible for social welfare, which serves as an aid in the preparation of national social welfare policy measures. Its research and analytical work provide professional support for the development of social policy, with an emphasis on monitoring the situation of vulnerable groups of the population. The institute also participates in various domestic and international projects and prepares professional meetings. From 2022 an expert department for the field of personal assistance operates at the Institute, which purpose is the organization of training in this field, the development of an instrument for assessing needs and tasks of an expert body in the process of realizing the right to personal assistance.